Happy Wednesday, everyone! I’m pretty excited it’s already half way through the week, but feel like I could already use another day to get through all that needs to get done. I am taking an online class right now for school and assignments are due in sets of 5 every 5 weeks instead of 1 assignment each week. This might sound great for some, but I am the queen of procrastination so have to try really hard not to let the assignments wait until week 5. The class I am taking is focused on prenatal and baby nutrition and is one of my favorite classes so far.I wanted to start a new weekly post that highlights the meals and snacks I eat throughout the day. I follow a lot of different food blogs and these “day in a life” posts are by far my favorite. As a nutritionist, I am always curious to see what others are eating throughout the day and it gives me some good ideas since my days tend to lack variety and creativity. Breakfast, lunch and snacks may be pretty similar each day, but dinner is usually where I love to get creative and make something fun and new.
I always start my day with a big glass of water, but lately I haven’t been so good at this. I was pretty disciplined and would drink all 32 oz before having my coffee, but lately I ignore the water and head straight for the caffeine. Woops. Coffee acts as a diuretic in your body, which basically means you pee more which dehydrates you quicker. For every cup of coffee I drink, I like to drink 2x the amount of water. Drinking a big glass of water right when you wake up is a great way to start your day since everyone should be drinking their body weight in oz’s of water by the end of the day. As for my coffee, I drink bulletproof coffee and use a french press. I don’t add butter or coconut oil like Mitch does, but this coffee is amazing on its own. It’s organic, so it’s pesticide free and grown in a way that lowers mold toxins that are very common on coffee beans. It’s pricey, but I haven’t tasted another coffee as good as this!
Breakfast has become increasingly harder since I started working from home. When I went to an office every morning it was just habit to make my smoothie and take it to work. But now, I find myself working for a couple of hours without having breakfast. When I finally do make my way into the kitchen, it’s usually for a green smoothie. My recipe rarely changes. I add mixed greens or whatever greens we have in the fridge, chia seeds, almond butter, unsweetened coconut milk, mixed organic frozen berries (I love Costco’s new antioxidant blend with cherries and pomegranates – so good!), a couple dashes of ground cinnamon and 1 tbsp of collagen protein powder. I am usually not a fan of protein powders or protein meal replacement drinks because of the mass amount of ingredients that are used. This powder is 100% collagen, with no additives. I blend everything in my Vitamix and enjoy! Yesterday I was freezing in my AC, so I went outside to the 90 degree heat to drink my smoothie with Juney.
Lunch & Snacks
I am usually hungry a couple hours later and unlike breakfast, my lunch always varies. If we have leftovers, I will have those, but I like to have eggs since they are so nutritious. Yesterday I fried 2 eggs and chopped half an avocado. One of my favorite lunches!
For a snack a few hours later, I didn’t have many options. I am in the process of creating more snacks to have around the house since snacking is something I struggle with every day. I usually have some some sort of fruit or veggie with almond or peanut butter, but I am working on adding more variety. Yesterday I settled on a couple organic carrots dipped in organic peanut butter. I normally don’t eat a lot of peanut butter, but lately I have been obsessed! If you eat peanut butter, be sure to buy organic. Peanut crops are sprayed heavily with pesticides. I also had a La Croix – my other obsession.
After my snack I might work for a little while longer, or just go workout and call it a day. After my workout I usually take June to the dog park (not last night) then start on dinner. Last night Mitch took June for a run while I made cauliflower rice stir fry. So good! I made another dish last week with cauliflower rice that I posted about yesterday, and we had extra cauliflower rice to use. This recipe will be up tomorrow and we both loved it. For dessert, which isn’t pictured, I had a small bowl of GF chex with raw honey. I absolutely love cereal and could eat it for every meal, but it’s better if I just save it for dessert:)
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