My favorite beverage (morning beverage, at least) for the past 6 months has been the bulletproof coffee. Creamy, smooth coffee blended with grass-fed butter, coconut oil and in my case, coconut milk and cinnamon.
I used to buy coffee almost every day and my favorite drink has always been either a latte or more recently, an americano with steamed milk. If I am out and decide to buy a coffee, it never compares to the delicious bulletproof I have grown so used to.
I would guess the majority of you are really turned off by the idea of adding oil and butter to your coffee, but trust me, you will love it. If you are someone who gets hungry a lot, or crashes an hour or two after your morning cup of coffee, this is a perfect beverage for you. The fat sustains your energy levels, will keep you full longer and will ensure you don’t have that 11am energy dip.
Here are a few photos and how-to’s that may help you get started when making your first bulletproof java!
Step 1 : coconut oil, grass-fed butter, and additional optional ingredients go into a mason jar or a blender
Step 2: add your hot coffee
Step 3: place mason jar onto blender (pinterest trick), or use regular blender and blend for 20 seconds to emulsify the fats and make creamy. notice the latte “foam” on top.
Step 4: pour into a mug, or my favorite, a good quality travel mug that will keep the coffee warm. this will ensure a creamy bulletproof coffee for hours
Ingredient quality is crucial when trying to create an “authentic” bulletproof coffee:
- Not all coffee is created equal. Organic, shade-grown coffee is not the same as Folgers. A poor quality coffee will contain mycotoxins which are toxic substances produced from a fungus commonly found on coffee bean crops.
- Butter from grain-fed animals has a different, inflammatory fat composition, It will not taste as good or blend as well.

- 2-3 cups organic coffee
- 1 tbsp grass-fed butter (I love Kerrygold and I buy it from Costco or Trader Joe's)
- 1 tbsp organic, unrefined coconut oil
- 1 tsp ground cinnamon (optional)
- 1/2 cup milk (I use coconut) (optional)
- 1 raw egg (optional, but Mitch's favorite for an extra frothy beverage)
- Prepare coffee like normal
- Add your butter, coconut oil and other optional ingredients to a mason jar or blender along with coffee
- Blend for 20 seconds until creamy
I loved it. I am a black coffee drinker usually. I can’t wait to get more information from you. Donald and I are trying to get into shape and eat better.
Mine is never super foamy, but always gets a nice litlte layer of froth. It might get frothier if you use a blender (I just whisk it on the stove top) and use the full amount of butter/oil the recipe calls for. I don’t measure out my butter and coconut oil, but it’s probably around 1 Tbsp total. I use a litlte less because I drink it after I eat breakfast and I feel the full amount would be too filling after a meal.