Week 20! It feels good to be in the 20’s – one step closer to meeting these babes! We’re heading to Denver this weekend for some family and friend time and a baby shower my best friend and Mother in Law are throwing on Saturday. My mom and dad are flying in too so it should be a fun weekend with everyone! I told you I was getting a few dresses in the mail last week for this shower, and all three arrived, but only one even remotely worked. The other two are not picture-worthy and they felt and looked like I was wearing an old stiff comforter. I’m not tall enough for some of these midi-dresses I love, and sometimes it looks hilarious when I try. But, I am wearing the dress I liked to the shower on Saturday so I will show you next week. It’s so comfortable and I want it in every color.
This week has been fun because I felt the twins move for the first time. It may not be the first time because I’ve heard a lot of first time moms have no idea what they’re feeling is baby movement at first, but it’s what I consider the first movements. It’s not super pronounced and I can see how moms may mistake it for their stomach growling or something, but its very cool nonetheless. I can feel tiny flutters that I imagine are their little arms moving and legs kicking, but who knows if that’s what it actually is;)
I also feel so great lately, and pretty much like my normal self minus a bigger belly and my weird tired spells. I went to a Moms of Multiples (they exist) group dinner on Tuesday and so many of the moms told me they felt great up until about 27-28 weeks. I have a feeling once I start getting even bigger, I will not feel as good, but right now it’s great.
Week 20
The twins: They are about the size of a banana (another app said a small cantaloupe but those seem so different?) and about 10″ long!
Cravings and aversions: Still eating a lot of dairy (I went through one of the large containers of Wallaby organic whole milk greek yogurt in 4 days this week!). I usually wake up really hungry and eat a big bowl of yogurt, berries and chias with my whole milk latte, then about an hour or so later I make two eggs and sausage. I was so excited last week because Costco has organic breakfast sausage now – it’s so hard to find! I am usually hungry for lunch pretty soon after I eat my eggs, and then my appetite calms down. I’ve also been able to eat really good dinners lately and my go-t0 dessert is a gluten free immaculate cookie dough ball with vanilla bean ice cream. Can’t stop!
Wearing: Still in a lot of my normal clothes, but I am finding that a lot of them just aren’t working anymore. Some of my shirts are pretty short now, and a lot of my dresses are so short they’re inappropriate. Also pretty uncomfortable. So I think it’s time for another round of clearing out my closet of the small clothes! I can still wear my jean shorts, but have to tie a hair tie around the button and loop it into the loop (if that makes sense) to make them wider haha but they work! That is until I went into a maternity store with my friend this week and discovered maternity jean shorts…they are so comfortable! So I bought a pair and might be living in them now. I don’t want to spend a ton of money on maternity clothes if I don’t have to, so I am hoping I find some new items that will work post-baby too.
Sleeping: Sleeping is pretty much the same! Sometimes I wake up and can’t go back to sleep, but that’s always been the case for me. Other nights I sleep through the night and wake up to my alarm, so no complaints here. I still go to bed really early most nights…especially last night. I was SO tired. I can never predict the nights where I will be dead tired, but last night was one of them.
Names: We still like our two that we decided on in Park City! No more middle name discussions, but I think I have some favorites. I am waiting to see if one of our names gets more popular in the coming months, and if it does, we might have to go back to the drawing board 😉
Bump: Definitely feels like I’m bigger this week but I don’t think this pic does it justice. I had my first people ask me if I was expecting, and I can tell they feel weird asking because it still kind of looks like I have a beer belly if you don’t know me.
Movement: Like I said above, I’m definitely feeling the babes move now. It’s hard to tell which is which, and if I am feeling both or just one, but I have a feeling I will be able to tell as they get bigger and I am further along. From what I’ve read, some doctors and experts recommend monitoring fetal movement as a sign of health of your baby throughout the pregnancy. I think it’s a certain amount of movements in an hour or something like that (you would have to look it up to be sure), but right now there’s no way for me to distinguish which baby is doing what, so I am counting myself out of this one:)
Exercise: I worked out ONCE this week. So sad haha I absolutely need to get in a routine of going in the mornings or else it seems like I don’t go. I will work on this this coming week!
Baby purchases: A lot this week. I got into a bit of frenzy when it came to craigslist. I found a Mamaroo, two car seat bases (we need two extra for Mitch’s car), and our “clip n go” stroller that will stay in my car. I also found a Pottery Barn dresser/changing table on craigslist this week and we are picking it up next weekend. It looks like it’s in perfect condition. I was going to go with something from Wayfair, and don’t get me wrong because I love Wayfair, but there is no way for me to see the dresser before it would arrive and I didn’t know if the quality would be that great. For a dresser that we will have for a really long time, I want something I know will last. The changing table portion and the small drawer on top can be removed, so it can be used as a regular dresser down the road. We’re also buying our glider this week! We decided on the Graham Glider from West Elm (the one I mentioned in my post last week). Mitch and I can’t seem to agree on a fabric (I love the velvet gray but he thinks it reminds him of a grandma) so we will see what we do. The color I like is in the pic below – not grandma-ish! We also bought our crib and it came last night so it will be fun to set that up. We are just starting with one to save space.
Nursery: No progress here. I want to get the crib set up and pick-up our dresser before doing anything else. And our glider should arrive within 2-4 weeks, so as soon as we have that, we can start figuring out where everything will fit…should be interesting! Right now, the nursery/guest room is a disaster and just accumulating all of my craigslist purchases and amazon registry gifts (so fun, thank you friends and family!).
Supplements: Same as before! Lots of fish oil (except I have switched to Krill oil!). Dr. Mercola (one of my favs) wrote a great article on this topic if you’re curious why I made the switch.
What’s next: I have an appointment at the OB next week just for a regular checkup. We’re also in the process of finding a pediatrician and a doula. If you aren’t sure what a doula is, they are there for support throughout the entire birth process (they have a lot of tricks up their sleeve to help things go more smoothly) and they are basically my birth “advocate”. My goal is to have a natural birth (no drugs, no c-section, as little intervention as possible), so they will help make that happen for me. Of course I am okay with intervention should it become necessary for the health of the twins and for me, but I am hoping things go smoothly enough to avoid it, especially if they are aware of my wishes. The c-section rate for twins is 40%. I think that’s way too high!
Weight gain: I think I have gained about 13-15 lbs, but I will confirm when I go to the doctor next week. My clothes are telling me it’s probably about 15 lbs:)
Stretch marks: None so far! Collagen protein powder must be doing the trick 😉 A lot of people have asked what I use, and it’s Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides. I am doing 4 scoops/day.
Any worries? Not really! I feel really good lately and hope this trend continues. Obviously I would love to getting outside more, but the risk of Zika makes it hard. Even if I could go outside, it would be challenging since it’s about 90 degrees here by 8am. I cannot wait for fall (which happens in TX around November)!
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