Officially 8 months pregnant this week. Crazy! Time is still flying by and it’s crazy how soon the twins will be here. This week has been okay but I am definitely starting to get more uncomfortable as these babies grow. It’s starting to feel like they are running out of room in there and I could potentially have another 5 weeks! As far as symptoms go, the heartburn was pretty bad a few days this week, but I have been using some new antacid tablets that are helping SO much. I’m also pretty tired and feel like I’ve been fighting a cold for weeks. Some days I will wake up with the stuffiest nose and a cough, and other days that won’t happen, so I am thinking it might even be allergies making me feel sick and not my suppressed pregnancy immune system. Who knows! I’m also finding it harder to put on leggings, socks, tie shoes etc and will need Mitch’s help soon I think.
32 weeks
The twins: My app says they’re the size of a bok choy, around 3.8lbs and around 16.7″ long. I saw my doctor this week and she seems pretty happy with my growth scan I had last week (when we found out they were each 3.5lbs and in the 15th percentile). Let’s hope they continue to fatten up like they’re supposed to until they’re born!
Baby positions: No way to know for sure, but I am guessing they’re still both transverse. I feel baby B (the baby on the top) move so much, so who knows what he’s doing in there, but I am almost positive he is still transverse. I am thinking baby A is too, but no way to know for sure. I see the chiropractor today so maybe some of her adjustments will give the babies more room to move head down. I still haven’t done many of the exercises for flipping babies that have been recommended (like laying upside down) because I can’t imagine doing that with heartburn, but maybe this weekend! We also see our doula on Sunday so I bet she will have some recommendations. If they babies don’t move in a few weeks, or by the time I go into labor, I am looking at a c-section.
What I’m eating: Apples galore! They’re by far my favorite things right now. I am loving cereal or granola with whole milk, iced tea and water, and anything cool and refreshing. I still drink my green smoothies almost every day and eat a good lunch (usually quinoa, chicken and avocado or something like that) but dinner has not sounded good at all lately. I make dinner and then basically force it down, when really I would be happy with cereal or ice cream only 😉 Must eat for the babies! Also, coffee sounds SO good, but then I drink it, and it makes me feel pretty sick. Sad day for me since I love coffee so much.
Any swelling? I’ve noticed a little in my calves and ankles. I wore my skinny maternity jeans for the first time on Monday and when I took them off I had some crazy indents on my legs since they were so tight. No more jeans for me. I am still wearing my wedding rings so that’s a good sign!
Wearing: Same stuff! Loving my target tanks I posted about last week and both pairs of my maternity shorts. Shorts and dresses are the most comfortable, but a lot of my dresses are too short to wear now, so shorts and tanks it is.
Looking forward to: Meeting these twinnies, finding out how they will make their debut into the world, and when. I also can’t wait to have my normal appetite back and feel more myself energy-wise. It could be SO much worse, and I am pretty used to my appetite being weird since it’s been going on since about week 5, but it will be nice to eat some of the things I used to love (like pizza since it hasn’t sounded good for so long and coffee). I also can’t wait to go on runs again!
Sleep: Pretty good lately as long as I have all my pillows that I need. Heartburn woke me up a few times this week in the middle of the night which hadn’t happened before, but as soon as I took my new antacid tablets I was able to go back to sleep. These things are a god send and have a really clean ingredient list compared to Tums. Highly recommend! I also take them throughout the day and they have helped so much. Here’s a link so you can see them, but I bought mine from Whole Foods.
Names: The same! We have both first names and middle names picked out and I think they will stick around.
Bump: As you can see from the pic at the top of this page, pretty big! I was expecting to be bigger by this point according to some scary pics I had seen when I first got pregnant, so I can’t complain. So many of my shirts and tank tops are short now, but at this point, I will just deal with it until they’re born.
Exercise: Went to the gym finally this week! It’s a miracle. I’ve been walking June every day and have been getting braxton hicks (practice contractions) when I walk, but I still love it. I’ve been getting those weird cramps/contractions almost every time I walk, so it doesn’t concern me and I figure walking is better than no walking.
Baby purchases: None this week minus their baby books! This was something I didn’t know if I would want to buy because I didn’t know if we would use it, or if there was some kind of cool electronic version we could use. But, one of my best friends showed me the one she uses and I love it. They’re called Mushy Books and they’re not too “babyish” which is what I wanted. My friend who has one for her baby got us one for one of the twins, and I got the other. So cute!
Nursery: We’re finally done! Such a good feeling. Since we are combining a nursery with a guest room it was challenging figuring out where we should hang frames etc. but it’s finally done. Here’s a sneak peak at the wall above the crib. Nursery post will also be coming soon! PS Mitch has never read Harry Potter which is a travesty and unbelievable, but I added a HP print since I know the twins will love it just as much as I do;)
Hospital bags: Not packed oops! This weekend we will get it done!
What’s next? I have another OB appointment next week where she will check for GBS or Group B Strep. If I test positive I will have to be on a round of antibiotics at the hospital before the babes are born. I’m really hoping I test negative. She will also do a short ultrasound just to check positions of the babies, so that’ll be good to see where we are at.
Weight gain: Up 1 more lb this week, so I think I’ve gained 31lbs total. Here’s a pic from 14 weeks, to last week (31 weeks). Same dress, crazy difference!

Stretch marks: None yay!
Worries? Not really – but I would LOVE for both babies to make their way down into head down position so we can try for a natural birth. Ideally both babies would be head down, but baby A is the baby who determines everything.
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