I can’t believe we’re at week 34! I am so happy to have made it this long with the twinnies, but things are definitely starting to get a little more uncomfortable over here. My appetite has really gone downhill this week and I am having a harder time reaching my toes with this big baby bump. Overall, though, I feel good, and I don’t like complaining because I feel lucky to have had a complication-free pregnancy so far:) BUT heartburn, lack of appetite, brain-fog and being super tired are all symptoms I will be very happy to part with!
34 weeks
The twins: My Nurture app tells me the twins are the size of muskmelon’s (I googled them – kinda like a cantaloupe), are about 4.7lbs and 17.7″ long. I hope they’re bigger than 4.7lbs – that feels so small and they could be born at any time! We go for a growth scan on Tuesday so only time will tell.
Baby positions: We’re thinking both babies are still transverse. It’s pretty obvious that baby B is transverse because I can feel his body under my ribs, and his little kicks are on the right side, and I can feel his head on the left. Baby A is a little harder to tell, but I am almost positive he’s still transverse too due to where his kicks and hiccups are. I go to the chiropractor today so maybe she will make some room for baby A to move head down. My doctor seems to be open to me going into labor with transverse baby A and seeing if contractions push him head-down, so we shall see!
What I’m eating: I am trying to keep up with the protein at every meal, but it’s becoming more of a challenge because meat doesn’t sound as good to me anymore. I still try to drink one green smoothie a day, and have been eating lots of honey crisp apples and almond butter. I am still loving my homemade honey granola with whole milk and some bananas, and “breakfast for dinner” is becoming the norm around here because I just don’t feel like cooking as much right now. Eggs, bacon and avocado are so easy and still really nutritious so we’ve been eating a lot of that.
Swelling: Not bad! I got a pedicure last week and my pedicure lady told me my feet weren’t swollen at all. I think walking helps a lot. Wedding rings still on.
Wearing: The sammme few things. I am so bored with my clothes that I actually fit into and am so tempted to go to target and see if they have anymore maternity clothes on clearance. By far my favorite things to wear are my two target tanks and my maternity jean shorts, but they’re getting old.
Looking forward to: Meeting the twins and seeing how they make their entrance into the world. Lots of unknowns with labor! Also cannot wait to have a glass of red wine or a beer – YUM.
Sleep: For the first time since I started writing these, sleep has gone downhill this week. I wake up a few times throughout the night to go to the bathroom and normally at least once with heartburn. I think the heartburn has a lot to do with how high up baby B is, but I am really happy I found my favorite heartburn tablets that work wonders. These guys.
Names: The same 🙂 I need to fill out their birth certificate info so I don’t have to worry about it in the hospital.
Bump: A lot of people tell me that I look small for having twins, but I do not feel this way! I am 34 weeks pregnant and measuring about 6 weeks ahead, so I feel like a person who is 40 weeks pregnant with a single babe. Since baby B is so high up, it makes me feel pretty suffocated sometimes because he’s so close to my ribs. I think I’d prefer this than having them both super low though – I don’t waddle when I walk so that’s a plus 😉
Exercise: Walking everyday with miss June and I love it, especially now that the weather is cooling off! I feel like I should be doing arm weights and more stretching – so maybe I will add that back in this week. I want to keep my arms somewhat strong, but pretty sure I am pretty weak after this pregnancy 😉
Baby purchases: The baby’s Mushy Books Baby Books came this week and I love them! These baby books are SO cute – we got the Wild One and the Dream Catcher (thanks Kimbo!). Two of our best friends got us a cute gift this week and one of the items was a Solly Wrap. I wanted to try this wrap so I’m excited! I also got a Little Frog Ring Sling wrap – I am determined to wear these babies!

Little Frog Ring Sling – I got it in the gray Barite color on the right!
Nursery: All done 🙂 Here’s my nursery tour post.
Hospital bags: Finally all bags are packed! Obviously we will have a few last minute toiletry-type items to add, but we’re good to go.
What’s next: We go to our Maternal Fetal Medicine dr. on Tuesday for a growth scan (maybe our last!). Then I go to my OB on Wednesday for a normal checkup .
Weight gain: For the first time since the first trimester, I didn’t gain any weight this week. It could be because my appetite isn’t the best, but I also know it’s harder to gain weight towards the end of a multiples pregnancy. This is why they tell you to gain the bulk of your weight before 25ish weeks. I hope I still gain a pound or two each week till they’re born, though! I am up 31 lbs.
Stretch marks: None! I thought I saw some this week but turns out they were indentations from one of my super tight shirts I was wearing ha!
Worries? Not really! I want the babies to be big and healthy when they’re born, so here’s to hoping I last another couple of weeks so they can fatten up.
Katie, you and your family look so happy. Congrats! Retreat is happy to welcome your twins to the Retreat family!
Thank you!! Can’t wait to introduce everyone to the twins:)