Another week under my belt – yay! I can’t believe we’re already at 33 weeks. Mitch and I were talking this week saying how we thought 33 weeks would look a lot different than it’s looking. We could either have the babies already, I’d be on some sort of bed rest, or I’d be so big and uncomfortable that I wouldn’t really want to do anything. Luckily, none of those have happened (although I am definitely uncomfortable at times, but nothing that bad). I feel so lucky that everything has gone so well so far (knock on wood), and that these babies are still cooking, gaining weight, and getting everything they need while we still sleep in and relax 😉 Last night was weird because I didn’t have my normal heartburn I have every night and was actually really hungry for dinner, and then I realized I couldn’t feel baby B super high by my ribs anymore and that explained it. So, I think he moved down! Not sure what this means, but maybe it’s a good sign that baby A moved head down and made some more room for him? No idea, but not having him so high up was much more comfortable last night.
Week 33
The twins: According to my app, they are both the size of pineapples, are 17.2″ long and around 4.2lbs. At this point, they are putting on more and more fat, and should be gaining about a 1/2 lb each week. I bet this is a bit different for twins, and maybe they won’t gain so much, but let’s hope they do!
Baby positions: This is up for debate. Our doula came over on Sunday and she tried to feel the baby’s positions by feeling the outside of my stomach but didn’t have much luck deciding where they were. Her guess was that baby B (the one closest to my ribs) is still transverse, and that there was a 50/50 chance that baby A was breech now. She even checked their heart beats to see where they were to see if that could help shed some light, but she still couldn’t really tell. My Doctor also tried to feel on Wednesday to see if she should tell, and she agrees that baby B is still transverse, but she thinks baby A is too. She is optimistic that he will still try to make his way to head-down position. But in the meantime, if my water would break or I would go into labor, I would have to go straight to the hospital since a transverse baby A can be unsafe for me and the baby. I go to the Maternal Fetal Medicine doctor at 35 weeks, so they will be able to tell us more with an ultrasound then! I still have faith that baby A will find his way head down, and if not, it’s not meant to be.
What I’m eating: My appetite is weirddd lately. Dinner is hard for me to eat, and my morning smoothie started making me feel pretty sick after drinking it. It’s weird, but I am never really that hungry for anything in particular, and eating is more of a chore than anything. Since I love all the spinach and protein I get from my morning smoothie, I decided I’d try it without the cocoa powder and cocoa nibs this morning and it didn’t make me feel sick, so I think I found a winning combo! Other than that, I am still loving cold juicy fruits and apples and almond butter. I also have been eating so much of my homemade honey granola with whole milk. A much more nutritious option than the cereal I was eating every day.
Swelling? Same! My feet and calves are a little swollen, but my fingers and everything else are completely normal. Wedding rings still on. My blood pressure was on the high end for me this week at my Dr. but nothing to be concerned about pre-eclampsia wise – 124/80 and pretty normal for this late in a twin pregnancy.
Wearing: Same stuff. Started wearing Mitch’s t-shirts to bed as so many of my tank tops are small on me now. I love my Target tanks I talked about the last two weeks and my jean shorts, and I still wear Nike spandex shorts a lot for walks with Juney but they’re pretty uncomfortable now since I have to wear them low and baby A is right where the shorts sit below my belly. But, I don’t want to buy anything else maternity so I will just make do with what I have:)
Looking forward to: Meeting the twins! I also have been loving all this time we’ve had to spend at home lately. We didn’t want to plan anything too big for these last weeks in case I had the babies, so we’ve had lots of relaxing time, including the pool. Texas is so hot during the summer, it’s hard to even get motivated to go to the pool since the water is about 100 degrees. But, since it started cooling down, we have had some amazing pool days and it feels really good to get some vitamin D after being inside so much all summer.
Sleep: I feel really lucky that I have slept really well this entire pregnancy. Lately it’s harder to get in and out of bed, but since our bed is a platform and pretty low to the ground, not a huge issue. I can’t imagine if our bed was super high though – I feel for you prego girls who have to deal with that. I still wake up once or twice throughout the night, but I usually fall right back to sleep, and I’ve started taking some of the heartburn tablets I talked about last week before going to bed and I haven’t been waking up with heartburn. HIGHLY recommend these tablets and they’re a great natural alternative to Tums.
Names: Still the same!
Bump: Bigger of course, especially at night after I’ve eaten or drank a lot. It’s funny looking at the front-view because you can’t tell there’s a bump, especially when I wear dark colors, and then I turn to the side and people get super surprised about how big I am!
Exercise: No gym yet this week – woops. But I’ve been walking June each day for about 30 minutes.
Baby purchases: We finally pulled the trigger on the rest of the items we needed off our Amazon registry. The most exciting things for me were my diaper bag and the two Baby Bjorn carriers we got for the boys. After lots of research I decided on a Lassig Neckline Diaper Bag in Choco Melange. I love the way it looks, not too diaper-baggy, and I love the fabric. I also love the orange lining and that there are SO many pockets that I think will be perfect for twins. It has a strap I can use to wear it cross-body messenger style which I really wanted over a backpack, and has stroller hooks. LOVE!
Here are the Baby Bjorn Carrier One’s we got. I went with these over the very popular Ergo 360, because they’re cheaper and don’t require an additional infant insert. They can be used in all the same positions that the Ergo can, so I figured why not try it, and I love the colors. I got gray and Mitch got blue.

Nursery: Done finally! Here’s a link to the “tour”.
Hospital bags: No – oops! This weekend 😉
What’s next? I go back to the OB on Wednesday morning, then I see the chiropractor again next Friday.
When I’m “due”: This is a question I keep getting asked by people who think “I’m about to pop”. My doctor won’t let me go past 38 weeks, so I will for sure have these babies by November 16th (this is when I would either have a c-section depending on position or be induced if I haven’t gone into labor before then – and is actually one of my best friend’s bdays who is also a twin!). But, I would be very happy to make it to 36 weeks, which is Nov 1. By then, their lungs should be pretty well developed, they should be a decent size, and we hopefully wouldn’t see too much NICU time. If I make it to 37 or 38 weeks, that’s so great, but a part of me thinks they will be here between 35 and 36. We will see if I’m right! The more time they have to cook, the bigger they’ll be, the less NICU time they could face, and the easier it will be for Mitch and I to handle them because bigger babies tend to adapt to the outside world much better than tiny premies!
Weight gain: According to my scale, and my doctor’s scale, I’ve gained about 31 pounds. Over the last 2 weeks I’ve gained 3 lbs, so I bet I will have gained about 40 lbs max at the end of this pregnancy.
Stretch marks: None so far. I asked my mom if she had any with any of us (I have two brothers) and she said no, so maybe it’s genetic. I really feel like my stomach is stretched to its max though, so maybe the twins will cause some stretch marks towards the end. We will see! For now, I am just drinking a lot of collagen peptides to try to help prevent them (helps makes the skin more elastic).
Worries? Not really! Can’t wait to see how and when these twins make their debut into the world. Such a mystery, but not a worry!
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